a Product's sales tax could not be found in its Price List
the entered user id is incorrect
the TCP server connection was broken
the file found on the server did not come from the same original file
the file was not found on the server
some objects could not be loaded as they can only be shown with SaleSmartz Pro
an opened file could not be updated
the TCP synchronisation server application is a different version
a TCP synchronisation message was wrong
a TCP synchronisation request timed out
an essential object was missing
an attempt to store a record without a unique ID was attempted
an object record was missing
an address wasn't found
you can not update another user's To Do List or Message Centre
you can not use another user's To Do List or Message Centre as your own
once you transfer SaleSmartz to a new computer, you need to contact EuroSmartz customer service if you wish to transfer it back to this original computer
the application's hardware key is not connected
no string id exists
there is no Nth item
the key close failed
the key init failed
the dialing modem port could not be found
there were no addresses loaded
the container is missing
the To Do List file cannot be found
the Quote/Invoice header link was lost
the search string is not a valid number
there is another file with the same name as the Contact List file
the file could not be updated to the latest version
the history record was invalid. It has been repaired
you cancelled the operation
a missing or wrong parameter in the apple event
the data version is too old to be used
the data version is later than this application
the file version is too old to be read
the file version is later than this application. Please call EuroSmartz for an upgrade
a bad file format when reading
a Contact was not completely read from its disk file